
Online submission specifications

Submitting online adverts

You can submit materials for online adverts by email to onlinetraffic@nrc.nl. Consider the following requirements when submitting materials for an online advert:

Submit materials no later than three business days before the start of the campaign. Submit a working link (URL) with the materials.
• Materials can be submitted as: HTML5, .gif, .jpg or 3rd party tag
• Mediahuis NRC has templates for all Rich Media formats
• The landing page of the advert should open in a new window
• Audio may be submitted, provided it is User Initiated, has a frequency cap of 3 for the entire campaign period and no loop

Online advert specifications
The specifications for online advertising are provided below. For other questions, please send an email to sales@nrc.nl.

 ClickTag implementation

If you are using an HTML5 banner, please add the following code in the file. Note: you need a text editor to apply these changes. We recommend Sublime Text.

Step 1: Link the AppNexus script to the banner
Add the AppNexus HTML5 Library to the <head> of the index.html file. To do so, copy the following <script>-tag and paste it between <head> and </head>.

<script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://acdn.adnxs.com/html5-lib/1.3.0/appnexus-html5-lib.min.js”></script>

Step 2: Point the banner to the script in step 1
Use the following code and copy the clickable element (usually <a href…>) as displayed, and the clickable element will point to the script in step 1.


<a href=”javascript:void(0)” onClick=”window.open(APPNEXUS.getClickTag(), ‘_blank’);”>

<!— The banner code is to be inserted here –>



Step 3: Testing

Save the .html-file and open it in your webbrowser. Add ?clickTag=https://www.nrc.nl at the end of the URL in the addres bar

Refresh the page and click on the banner. Our website, nrc.nl, should open in a new window